Week 11

Technology: There are many technology options available that teachers can use in their classrooms. These technology options, can be an aide when presenting lessons, can allow for creativity in the classroom, can help meet different student learning styles, and can allow students to show what they have learned in a variety of manners.


This week, my group looked into different technology options that we can use to allow students to demonstrate their learning and understanding of graphs, including how to collect data used for a graph, how to make a graph, and how to read a graph. As a group, we decided that each teacher, in this group, will use different technology options based on their students needs and learning styles.


The following technology options are the ones that I am currently considering using with my students: taking pictures and uploading them, using Elmo to copy photos as well as and create slide show, scanning information to create a flip book. Use voice thread to share and discuss topic information, use chart maker to create graphs. I am also looking into Show me, and Educreation.


In regards to this project, my group will continue to use CHAMPS in our classrooms. We will also set expectations and discuss expectations with our students for each step of the project, including when collecting data, when working in groups, and when using the technology piece. The expectations will include proper voice levels, appropriate use of technology, following classroom rules, and others. Each one of us will also continue to use our reward programs that we have set up prior in our classrooms. We will make sure that we have many positive interactions between our students and ourselves and that we make our students feel successful throughout this project.

The technology will have to be taught at a different time, as these students are not familiar with any of these programs. Doing this will allow them more understanding of what is available for creating and presenting their finished products.

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